Sunday, November 4, 2018

Step 10: The Animals

Here is a view of the entire arid vivarium.  I originally had a Saharan Uromastyx (uromastyx geyri) and a Bearded Dragon (pogona vitticeps) together. I currently have a Leopard Tortoise (stigmochelys paradalis) and an Eastern Collared Lizard (crotaphytus collaris) living together, and they are doing very well together.

Here you can only see the Leopard Tortoise.

Here you can see the Leopard Tortoise and the juvenile Eastern Collared Lizard.

Closeup of the Leopard Tortoise.

Below are two pictures of the Eastern Collared Lizard.

Below is the Bearded Dragon (pogona vitticeps) with the tortoise and they were fine together.  Once I got the Eastern Collared, I removed the Bearded Dragon as he was too large and would have probably eaten the Eastern Collared.  

You can see how the bottom portion of the plexiglass has gotten scratched up, mostly from the Uro clawing the front window.  I mentioned in an earlier post that if i was to do again, i would have used glass for this reason.  I have since replaced the plexiglass with one sheet of 1/4" glass.  It looks so much cleaner and bright with the glass on the front.

Here is the Saharan Uromastyx (uromastyx geyri), which is no longer in this vivarium.  The Uro was fine with the Bearded Dragon as there was plenty of space and their diets were different enough.  The Uro only ate vegetables with the tortoise, and the Bearded Dragon ate a little greens, but mostly crickets and mealworms.

And below is a picture of the Eastern Collared Lizard, through the glass front.  He has grown larger and his bright blue color has really come in now.

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